Illuminating the Self

This documentary film follows artists Susan Aldworth and Andrew Carnie as they create new pieces of artwork in response to ground-breaking scientific research. It documents their work as they talk to scientists and engineers from the CANDO project about optogenetics and how it is being used to develop a new therapy to treat epilepsy, A neurological condition that affects roughly 1 in 100 people. As each artist takes a different approach to their work Aldworth must manage the logistical challenges involved in collaborating with over 100 volunteer embroiderers. Meanwhile Carnie looks for ways to introduce new elements of technology into his work. Will both artists be able to overcome the technological challenges of their work in time for the gallery openings? The Illuminating the Self exhibition is by artists Susan Aldworth () and Andrew Carnie (). Curated by Lucy Jenkins, it was shown at Vane gallery () and Newcastle University'