NEUE CD “PRAYER“ !!!!! kann jetzt bestellt werden! - ERWACHEN ZUR MUSIK DER NEUEN ERDE mit Lex van Someren. Genieße eine magische Reise mit zauberhafter Musik, Gesang und Mantras. Erlebe die herzerweckende und heilende Kraft dieses einzigartigen Livestream-Konzertes zur Aktivierung des Seelenbewusstseins der neuen Erde in der 5. Dimension. AWAKENING TO THE MUSIC OF THE NEW EARTH with music by Lex van Someren. Enjoy a magical journey with enchanting music, singing and mantras. Experience the love and healing power of this unique livestream-concert to activate the soul consciousness of the new earth in the 5th dimension and beyond. LEX VAN SOMEREN zählt weltweit zu den Pionieren der modernen spirituellen Musik. Jeder der mal ein Konzert mit ihm und seiner Band erlebt hat weiß, dass dieser Klangkünstler es versteht, die Dimension der Seele in seiner Musik und Bühnenkunst zu verkörpern. Seine Konzerte sind eine im Hier und Jetzt gelebte Spiritualität. LEX VAN SOMEREN counts among the pioneers of modern spiritual music worldwide. Everyone who has ever experienced a concert with him and his band knows that this healing sound artist knows how to embody the dimension of the soul in his music and performance art. His concerts are an inspiring experience of authentic spirituality lived in the here and now. Informationen zu Lex: || infos about Lex: Konzerte: || concerts: Seminare: || seminars: CDs/DVDs: SPENDEN / DONATIONS Wenn Du von Herzen spenden möchtest, ist dies sehr willkommen. Alle Spenden werden für die Schaffung von weiterer beseelter Musik verwendet. If you would like to donate from the heart, this is very welcome. All donations will be used for the creation of further inspired music. LINK SPENDEN & DONATIONS: music@ DANKESCHÖN / THANK YOU !!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Next/Nächste LIVESTREAM: SOMMERSONNENWENDE MANTRA-KONZERT LIVE - 21. JUNI 2023 - Uhr MESZ/ pm CEST LINK - —————————————————————------------------- PROGRAMM & MANTRA-TEXTE dieser Livestream GURU RAM DAS - CD “Guru Ram Das“ & “The Silence of Mantras“ Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru Aadeys Tisai Aadeys - CD “Mantras of Joy“ AADAYS  TESAI  AADAYS  AAD  E-ANEEL  ANAAD  E-ANAAHA DE  JUGE  JUGE  AYKO  VAYS SHIVOHAM - CD „ARIA-mantras“ Sachare Chare Pare Purnam Shivoham Shivoham Nityananda Swarupa Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham - Anandoham AKAAL 2 - CD „AGWARU“ „Akaal“ wird gesungen, um eine Seele von ihrer Bindung an dieses Leben zu befreien, wenn jemand stirbt. „Akaal“ is chanted to free a soul from its attachment to this life when a person dies. SONG OF THE UNIVERSAL LIGHT - CD „Prayer“ Jaya-radha mahadav Ku-un jovi ha-ha-ré - 2x Gopi jai-ra, rajadha Gi-i radha-ra radhé - 2x Jashan radan danan Ra-dja djanaran djanan Ja Buddha djia-ra-na jovi SONG OF THE CHILD KING - CD „Payer“ Namasté narashim-haya Prahlo dah-lada dayiné - 2x Hiranya kasipor, vakshah-a-a Sila tanka, nakhalaye - 2x Namasté narashim-haya - 4x THE LORD’S PRAYER - CD „Prayer“ Our Fa-ather, Who a-art in he-aven Hallowed bee-e thy Name Thy ki-ingdom come Thy will be done on earth On earth as it is in heaven On earth as it is in heaven Gi-ive us our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgi-ive those, who trespass, against u-us And lead us no-ot into, temptation But deliver us, from e-evil For thine is the ki-ingdom And the power, and the glory, for ever and ever (And ever…and ever...) (Thy kingdom come) (Thy will be done) Our Fa-ather (Thy kingdom come) Who-o art in heaven (Thy will be done) Hallowed be thy Name (Thy kingdom come) Thy ki-ingdom come (Thy will be done) Thy wi-ill be done (Thy kingdom come) On earth as it i-is in heaven Thy kingdom come On earth as it is in heaven Our Fa-ather (For ever...) Who art in heaven (For ever...) Hallow-ed be-e thy Name (For ever...) Thy kingdom come Thy will be done (For ever...) On earth as it is in heaven Gi-i-ive u-us this day, o-our daily bread And forgi-ive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us And le-ead us not into temptation But deli-iver us from e-evil For thi-ine is the ki-ingdom And the power, and the glory, for ever and ever (For ever... and ever...) Amen GLOBAL PEACE MANTRA / FRIEDENS-MANTRA - CD „ARIA-mantras“ Ich sehe die Welt in Frieden - Frieden - Ich binI see the world in peace - peace - I am Alles über MANTRAS: Everything about MANTRAS: