60min DJ Mix : Lucid Sounds Vol.5 - Part 1 - Deeper Flow Mix by Nadja Lind [Tech House]

full archive hi-res sound: itunes : beatport : Steve Bug – “The Helmut Ebritsch remix is nice!! I’m gonna play it!” Deetron – “Very nice and lush grooves in the Helmut Ebritsch remix.” Desyn Masiello – (SoS) – “Original mix for me, especially 2nd half. Really like it. Thanx for this!” The Timewriter – “Helmut Ebritsch Remix is great!!! “ Diesel – (X-Press 2) – “The original is a bit of a grower…” Karlos Sense – (Sonica Radio Ibiza) – “Very good Job my friends!!! Fantastic remix from Helmut Ebritsch.. Full support in my sets & show. Thanks.. Hope all best!!” Diversions – (CHRY Toronto) – “Feelin’ the original here – cleverly simple & soulfully warm groove which gets it point across.” Victor (DJ Magazine Spain) – “Very delicate house with a huge bass… awesome!! Me like, thanks!!” Funk D’Void: “Serious Helmut remix! The whole package rocks…superior textures with crystal-sharp production. Congrats!” Gel Abril: “original is really sweet tnx!” DJ Yellow – “The remix of Helmut is really nice … will def play this!!” &ME – “I really like the original. Good work guys!!” Hernan Cattaneo – “Both mixes here are very good. Will be playing!” Nick Warren – “Wonderful deepness throughout!! Full support from me!” Dave Vega – “Original of Making A Difference is nice! Will support!” Phonique – “Helmut Ebritsch Remix is very sweet!!!” Jona – “Amazing release! Really love the Helmut Ebritsch remix!!” Marcin Czubala – “Great ep!! It goes straight to my March chart – “Helmut Ebritsch Remix is cool for me. Will support!” Peter Kruder – “I’m liking Making A Difference original. Will play this out!” Joris Voorn – “Love Helmut’s mix!! Great grooves and deep feel..” Craig – (Silicone Soul) – “Lovely release – deep like a subterranean mole… Helmut’s mix is beautiful too, more lushness from Lucidflow!!!” Andy Baxter – (Pacha & Cafe Mambo) – “Brilliantly deep as always.”