La Fille mal gardée – The Maypole Dance Act I scene II (The Royal Ballet)

Natalia Osipova, Steven McRae and Philip Mosley perform the lead roles in Frederick Ashton’s most joyful and colourful ballet, The Wayward Daughter. Stream until 28 February Frederick Ashton's La Fille mal gardée (The Wayward Daughter) is one of the choreographer's most joyous and colourful creations. Inspired by his love for the Suffolk countryside, the ballet is set on a farm and tells a story of love between Lise, the daughter of Widow Simone, and Colas, a young farmer. It contains some of Ashton's most stunning choreography, most strikingly in the series of energetic pas de deux that express the youthful passion of the young lovers, performed here by Natalia Osipova and Steven McRae. The ballet is laced with exuberant good humour, and elements of national folk dance, from dancing chickens and a maypole dance to a Lancashire clog dance for Widow Simone, performed by Philip Mosley. Osbert Lancaster