During His Last Moments This Vatican Insider Claims He Used The Chronovisor And Saw This

During his last moments this Vatican insider claims he used the Chronovisor and saw this. This Vatican insider revealed they saw the Chronovisor and saw this. In the hushed corridors of the Vatican, where secrets linger like echoes of forgotten prayers, there exists a chamber veiled in mystery.  Within one of these secret chambers allegedly lies the Chronovisor, a device rumored to possess the power to peer through the veils of time itself.  It is here that our story begins, with a Vatican insider who, in their final moments, shares a tale of wonder and revelation. The insider, whose identity remains shrouded in secrecy, was a trusted custodian of the Chronovisor, entrusted with its care and protection.  Thank you for watching! Thank you to for the background music!