Edward Snowden Just Released A Chilling Message & Said That Something Big Is Happening Right Now

Edward Snowden just released a chilling message & said that something big is happening right now. Edward Snowden just revealed what is happening. Reflecting on the year twenty thirteen, the individual expressed their disappointment by stating, we had placed our trust in the government, hoping that they would act in our best interests. However, they failed us. Similarly, we believed that technology companies would not exploit us, but they proved us wrong. This unfortunate pattern is likely to repeat itself, as it is inherent to the nature of power. Through this sentiment, the speaker conveys their disillusionment with both governmental and technological entities, highlighting the recurring Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, has sought refuge in Russia since 2013 after leaving Hong Kong, where he divulged a vast trove of highly classified files to members of the press. This courageous act of whistleblowing involved the transmission