Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica - The Latest Updates with Brad Olsen

Courtesy of Contact in the Desert 2021 Virtual Conference – In this presentation, Brad Olsen explores the possibility of evidence for a massive UFO craft under the ice of Antarctica. He shares latest research on the megalithic structures of an antediluvian civilization, pyramids in the Shackleton or Ellsworth Range, and the reports of giants and Ice Age animals being uncovered from under the ice. Why are important dignitaries, scientists, politicians, religious and notable officials of countries around the world suddenly visiting Antarctica – a location that has been dubbed the “Illuminati Disneyland“? How many people actually go to Antarctica per year? Why is there a large “no fly“ zone near the South Pole? Could that suggest an opening to “Inner Earth“ or perhaps an ET base? Could Antarctica be the lost continent of Atlantis? Wouldn't the inland portions of Antarctica disprove the “Flat Earth“ theory? Do the old maps, such as the Piri Reis map, determine