MAJOR LIE by FBI Director Christopher Wray Exposed

House Republicans reportedly have further proof exposing the Deep State FBI’s targeting of “radical traditionalist” Christians. If you remember, the ACLJ filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) lawsuit over the FBI’s 11-page, single-spaced memo that labels Christians as “potential domestic terrorists,” and we reported how the FBI even planted undercover agents inside churches to keep tabs on what congregations are discussing and what’s being taught from pulpits. The memo wasn’t just a “single product by a single field office” from Richmond, Virginia, as FBI Director Christopher Wray stated in sworn testimony before Congress. A rogue FBI field office didn’t randomly start targeting Christians. Rather, a multi-jurisdiction and national coast-to-coast task-force by the FBI was initiated. In fact, the Los Angeles FBI field office had churches under surveillance for a while. This hearkens back to the Tea Party targeting scandal during the Obama-Biden regime. At first, a rogue office was labeled the culprit, b