Маргарита Фёдорова на уроке профессора Генриха Нейгауза (март 1945 г.)

А.Н. СКРЯБИН Прелюдия ля минор, соч.13 Урок профессора Г.Г. Нейгауза учащаяся Центральной музыкальной школы при МГК им. П.И. Чайковского Маргарита Фёдорова (запись март 1945 г.) Neuhaus mentoring Margarita Fyodorova Music: Scriabin's Prelude Op 13 N° 2 Moscow Conservatoire, 1945 Heinrich Neuhaus (1888 - 1964) taught piano at the Moscow Conservatoire from 1922 to 1964. His pupils included Sviatoslav Richter and Emil Gilels. His book 'The Art of Piano Playing' is one of the most authoritative treatises on the subject. Margarita Fyodorova (1927 - 2016) won Silver in the Bach Competition in Leipzig in 1950. In 1957 Shostakovich asked her to premiere his second piano concerto. She taught piano at the Moscow Conservatoire for many years.