All Male “Transgender“ Celebrity Moms Jennifer Aniston P!nk Cher Beyonce Transvestigation #SSStruth

CAUTION: Contains Partial Nudity. This Sovereign Source Studios of California #SSStruth video “transvestigation“ exposes fake pregnancies of pop stars like Beyonce, P!nk, and Cher as well as famous celebrities like Chastity/Chaz Bono and Jennifer Aniston. Using hyper realistic prosthetic baby “bumps“ that they use in movies, “Celebrity Moms“ (which are all secretly male) must fake their pregnancy on the stage of reality in order to receive a child as a “gift“ from a real mother surrogate. Companies like Moon Bumps and Invita who make fake baby bumps in all skin colors and belly padding for the purpose of faking pregnancy are making a killing selling to the male “transgender“ community or anyone who wishes to fool people into thinking they are pregnant. Thank you for being mindful to those on the #SSStruth Channel that are new to this deception. Please post video suggestions in the comments.