Not for children! Massive landslide and flood in Chongzhou, China.

Watch this video to see the massive landslide and flood that's happening in Chongzhou, China. This footage was taken by CNN and shows the extent of the damage. Make sure to stay safe and don't walk near any water! The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) Geological emergencies: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, collapse, avalanche; 2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, flood, inundation; 3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass fire, Forest fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, Typhoon, Storm, Lightning. #weather #news #earthquake #tsunami #today #rain #chongzhou #monsoon #flood #landslide #rains #china