8 Hours of Intense Artistry: Snake Woman Nina Burri Painted by Johny Dar

Snake woman reflects the connection between man and environment Nina Burri lets herself be painted by US artist for 8 hours Bare skin, lots of paint and breakneck contortions: American artist Johny Dar recently painted snake woman Nina Burri. Swiss photographer Frederic Auerbach captured the body painting spectacle at the B2B Hotel in Zurich. The jeans hero is back: two years ago, US artist Johny Dar pimped old jeans of world stars for his aid project “Jeans for Refugees“ and thus attracted international attention. Now he is on the road with a new project and is making a stop in Switzerland, the country of his heart. For this, snake woman Nina Burri frees herself. With artistic adornments on her bare skin, she contorts her body and poses for Swiss photographer Frederic Auerbach, who now lives in Los Angeles. Connection between man and environment The U.S. artist began planning his body painting series six years ago. The starting signal was given in 2021. In different c