The Knight of Riddles: The Hero of the White Shield (Scottish Folklore)

Link to Ridere of Riddles [ Link to The Riddle [~dash/] In the early years of the 6th century, Scotland was yet to be and the land was split between 4 great powers. Dal Riata, Kingdom of the Gaels in the west, Fortriu the Pictish kingdom in the north east. Alt Clut, home to the Britons of the south west and finally the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Bernicia in the south. These kingdoms would eventually unite to form Alba, which we now know as Scotland. There are some who would say Scotland and the kings of Alba would not exist if it were not for the knight of Riddles. Intro Music: Written for me by Bobbin Other Music by : Alexander Nakarada References: Alcock, L. (1989) Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology A.D. 367-634, New York: Penguin Books. Bannerman, J. (1974) Studies in the history of Dalriada, Edinburgh : Scottish Academic Press [] Buckles, N. (2018) The Ridere of Riddles [] Campbell, J. F. (1860). Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Vol 2. Edmonston and Douglas. Edinburgh. Dictionary of the Scots Language (2021) Scottish National Dictionary, Shinty [] Grimm, J. and Grimm, W. (1819) Das Rätsel, Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children's and Household Tales -- Grimms' Fairy Tales) no. 22. Jacobs, J. (1895) More Celtic Fairy Tales, with illustrations by John D. Batten. [] King Alfred the Great (890) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. ISBN-10 : 1493651072 or ISBN-13 : 979-8688895438 Sharpe, R. (1995) Adomnan of Iona, Life of St Columba, London: Penguin, ISBN 0-14-044462-9