Mei-Lan - Soul Healing Music

About Mei-Lan: “I am Mei-lan Maurits -- Sound Oracle, Intuitive Guide, and clear, open channel of the Divine. It is my soul’s purpose to be a conduit for light, love, and Divine presence. Through my sound healings, guided meditations, and courses, I bring frequencies of Divine love and peace to assist in the healing of humanity and Mother Earth. These sounds and tones carry the vibration of timeless wisdom, and the frequencies span from the ancient to the angelic. My sacred work is bridging these higher frequencies into our physical realm so that you remember the wisdom and essence of your soul. This is how we bring heaven to earth. I am devoted and dedicated to bringing these transmissions to our beloved planet during this time of great awakening. At the core of all us is peace. Oftentimes, this peace is wrapped in layers of fear, doubt, and hurt. Through connecting to Source love and channeling sounds of healing, I support people in this remembrance of who they are on a soul level -- pure