Orem’s Hymns of Depravity - Torture Portals (Full-length : 2024)

Symphonic Black Metal From The United States. Contact: oremshymnsofdepravity@ Bandcamp: Deezer: Facebook: Instagram: Spotify: YouTube: @UCSAIzLfngt8kacG12OJhnPw Apple Music: Tracklisting: 1. Akeldama - 00:00 2. Chaos Lust - 04:12 3. Your Lion Heart Will Weep at the Feet of My Wrath - 08:24 4. My Ascension - 12:11 5. Take It with More - 16:55 6. All I Can See Is Fear - 20:19 7. Metatron - 24:43 8. Pit Punishment - 28:28