[POE] How to level your party to endgame

---USEFUL LINKS-- Scion Early tree: Cursebot early tree: Explosive arrow hiero guide by xai presented by zizaran: Seismic trap early pob: Seismic trap by lolcohol: Seismic trap by xai presented by zizaran: Full Group leveling run all completion: I have all of my day-1 leaguestart vods highlighted here: Here is spicysuhi's guide on low level heisting. It's super strong can confirm: Havoc616 has a ton of bow character leveling resources: Here is our Pathfinder POB at the end of day 1: 0:00 -- Intro 1:30 -- Current leveling builds 2:54 -- Why more than 1 atlas pusher 4:20 -- Farming party 6:41 -- Aurabot leveling basics 12:15 -- Curse leveling basics 13:45 -- Zone allocation 15:33 -- Best Farming zone per act 16:53 -- Boss tagging 18:23 -- Outro POB requires the community fork install: I try to stream every league start: