Follow-Up is King: How to Buy Off-Market Properties from Motivated Sellers!

The 666 Rule for Real Estate Success: Get Seller Financing Deals Fast! 🎓 Buy My New Book, Feed a Homeless Person—I'll Send You the Proof! Download your copy If you want to land off-market properties from motivated sellers, the key is consistent follow-up! In this video, I’m sharing my 666 for Success strategy that will teach you how to follow up effectively and get the deals you’ve been missing out on. What does 666 mean? It’s simple: you need to follow up with sellers at least 6 times using 6 different media types. Why? Because no one wants to sell their property through seller financing or at a deep discount right away. Only time and consistent contact will motivate them to work with you. The 666 strategy includes phone calls, text messages, emails, handwritten letters, in-person visits, and more! When you consistently follow up with motivated sellers using these six methods, you maximize your chances of getting seller