Introverted Thinking (Ti) Type by Jung | IIEE | Jungian IXTJ INTJ ISTJ | Internal difference

Credits to Carl Jung (Psychological Types) for the descriptions. Example of Ti type: Lindsay Shepherd “Introverted thinking is primarily oriented by the subjective factor. At the very least the subjective factor expresses itself as a feeling of guidance which ultimately determines judgment. Sometimes it appears as a more or less complete image which serves as a criterion.“ (Carl Jung). Ti types are natively judgers by nature due to having a thinking rational main frame (organizing attitude) that sets the primary demands. Ti types would typically get J in MBTI tests, although at times may score as borderline P/J for whatever reason... In rarer occasions they may test or be tested to MBTI P when having a long aux. In third case to observers and tester the auxiliary is more noticeable than the dominant. However, if you ask the person, he/she will report that the dominant function (T) is the main life theme... and just doesn't look that way when observed by others or in testing instruments. Recommended free online test to help finding your jungian type: Sharing some reflections of mine about the MBTI community and what's overall wrong with it: Ti-Fe: identity, concept vs expression, recognition - - - When Ti type individuals move to stage 4, the alternatives are between: Ti-n (jungian INTJ, Ti-Ni-Se-Fe by Jung terms, 4T Melan-Chol, N aux guide, often ILI in socio): “People from this type can be called “the investigators”. People from this type are very logic and also curious, which makes them to investigate many different things. This type normally highly values science, are good at understanding problems and lots of people from this type are highly intellectual, always valuing preciseness and proper use or argument and reasoning. They enjoy riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers, and like to solve problems that requires abstract reasoning and that uses a lot of concepts and theory. They also like to think independently and strive for the inner consistency of the theories they deal with.“ (Vendrah, Typology Triad).. Examples of Jung Ti-n: Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange (MCU), Claire Lehmann and Joanna Zbroniec Chimenti (Mind Mastery). Ti-s (jungian ISTJ, Ti-Si-Ne-Fe by Jung terms, 4T Melan, S aux guardian, often LSI in socio): “People from this type are normally practical problem solvers that have a quite practical intellect. This type likes to solve problems that involves practical and straight solutions, which in a lot of time means they like to solve problems that involves things, machines and objects, but they may be attracted to solve problems that does require a moderate use of theory and concepts, specially if these concepts can be applied right away. People from this type normally highly values autonomy and normally have a questioning and critical attitude towards things.“ (Vendrah, Typology Triad). Examples of Jung Ti-s: Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory), Harry Murrell CPT, Renaud Contini and Michael Pierce (MBTI YouTuber). - - - When most MBTI people refer to “Ti“ they don't talk about Jung Ti but rather they typically talk the manifestations of T aux in Jung with themes likes logic, precision and analysis... A pragmatic attitude. inventiveness, like to improvise and make [new] things their own way, like to brainstorm, having ideas, resolving problems and improving models/methods. They don’t mind some amount of randomness and chaos, crisis and danger. T auxiliary like figuring out how things work, in detail, and then explain, experiment or even take advantage of that. “Sticking labels on people at first sight is nothing but a childish parlor game. My typology is... not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical. My typology is based exclusively on psychological premises which can hardly coincide with physiological or somatic qualities.”​ —C.G. Jung Do you wanna learn Jung's original work? Do yourself a favour - go read Psychological Types. Keep in mind that motivations are enneagram territory [check Katherine Fauvre] and that agreeableness/disagreeableness is linked to heart attitude. Also remember that socio is NOT Jung's original work. Socio is mostly enneagram based () plus it has different definitions from Jung including Kepinski info metabolism considerations added to the mix: #personality #Ti #carljung #istj #intj #mbti #howtotype TIMESTAMPS: (0:00) Intro (0:21) Ti (10:20) Introverted Thinking Type