Cemetery Lights / Regere Sinister (US / Finland) - Two Natures (Split 2021)

An excellent fit for a split release, Cemetery Lights and Regere Sinister measure forces on this excellent half-an-hour conjuration of pure old school Black Metal. Cemetery Lights, the already renowned one-man act from Rhode Island presents here his 4th effort, with an excellent demonstration of italian-inspired necromancy, obscure and rotten death-evokation, with a perfect sense of groove and darkness that will please the fans of Italian masters like Mortuary Drape and Abhor. Regere Sinister, the duo formed by Heidi Kettunen and Hail Conjurer, return after a great demo last year, with a step up on this release. A sound that is still rotten and primitive in it's core, but here matches brilliantly the bizarre and rotten melancholy of Asaradel with the moss-covered mysticism evoked by hellenic legends, Varathron.