Bioweapons & Killing Fields: U.S. Government Leads World in Calculated Genocide

When the Stew Peters Show interviewed Dr. Sherri Tenpenny last summer it was one of our most-viewed segments ever. The “Voice of Reason” on vaccines and current events was back on with Stew Peters Thursday to pillory the shot goblins dishing out medical killery on pureblood patients, creating a new American ‘killing fields.’ Stew asked Dr. Tenpenny to address the shocking info shared during Senator Ron Johnson’s Covid vaccine damage panel, including the whistleblower reports from Attorney Thomas Renz claiming a 300% increase in military miscarriages, a 300% rise in cancer, a 1000% increase in neurological ailments. “The U.S. government and the protocol from the NIH is leading a global genocide,” Stew told Dr, Tenpenny. “Its more than a genocide,” Dr. Tenpenny said “I’ve actually been calling it a democide, because a genocide isn’t actually targeting a specific group of people, like blacks, or Jews, or Americans Indians.” Democide is defined as - FULL descr here: