STRENGTH: Total Body Workout with Dumbbells and a Resistance Band, Single Set, Full Body Exercise

Let’s strengthen your entire body in less than 30 minutes! The theme of this workout? LESS is MORE and staying CALM and STRONG! You can be focused and intentional and work your muscles hard without a thousand different moves, or moving at a hectic, hurried or overly intense pace. :) In this session, we’ll work all the major muscle groups with moves like split stance squats, single sided one arm bent over rows, single arm front deltoid raises, single arm rear deltoid raises, chest presses, alternating resisted oblique reaches, kneeling biceps curls, quadruped triceps kickbacks. Add intensity by using both a band and dumbbells (if possible) and/or increasing your weights, or go lighter or use bodyweight only if you are just starting out — just listen to your body and make the workout work best for you! If you love our YouTube workouts, be sure to check out our full, progressive programs! Our “All Access Pass“ gives you access to our entire library* of workout pr