Rzayev R.M.: Киста околоушной слюнной железы.

Rzayev R.M.: Parotid Cyst. The patient (a 25-year-old wumen) has addressed to us with complaints to swelling presence in parotid areas on the right. At palpation it is defined motionless the roundish form a swelling, having a soft consistence without painful sensations. With suspicion on parotid the tumor has been made МRI which diagnosed presence parotid cyst, which has allowed to estimate also the sizes and to specify defeat topography. At a puncture of a cyst the muddy liquid with mucus has been received - cellular elements are not found out. Operation - cystectomy, is made with carrying out of a typical cut as at parotydectomy. Removal parotid cysts sometimes represents certain difficulties because of a thin cover and possible mutual relation cyst with branches facial nerve, which damage will inevitably lead palsy mimic muscles and to half distortion face. It is necessary to underline also, that remain cover parts cyst as usually promotes to relapse.