A Journey To Love Full BGM OST《一念关山》BGM

Drama Name (电视剧名字): 《一念关山 A Journey To Love》 Songs (歌): 1. 奉上 (Offer) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 00:00 2. 一念关山 (A Journey To Love) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 03:51 3. 立剑 (Standing Sword) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 07:58 4. 长醉 (Long Intoxication) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 11:36 5. 何故春回 (What Is The Reason For Spring's Return) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 15:53 6. 半世风霜 (Half A Lifetime of Suffering) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 20:15 7. 別梦寒 (Don't Dream of Cold) - 伴奏 (Accompaniment) 24:32 8. 风起云涌 (Turbulent Times) 28:23 9. 六道堂主题 · 忠义 (Liudao Hall · Loyalty) 30:26 10. 惊鸿一瞥 (A Fleeting Glimpse) 32:31 11. 宁远舟 · 重掌 (Ning Yuanzhou · Wield) 34:30 12. 六道堂 · 天降五侠 (Liudao Hall · Five Heroes Descend From The Sky) 36:31 13. 爱 · 刻入心扉 (Love · Engraved in the Heart) 38:02 14. 爱 · 今夜月明 (Love · The Moon is Bright Tonight) 40:37 15. 爱 · 不知秋思 (Love · Unaware of Autumn Thoughts) 44:00 16. 江山万里 (Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains) 46:32 17. 任辛 · 传说 (Ren Xin · Legend) 51:20 18. 似是故来人 (Resemble An Old Acquaintance) 53:13 19. 六道堂 · 堂规 (Liudao Hall · Hall Rules) 54:58 20. 爱 · 远行的孤舟 (Love · The Far-Traveling Lonely Boat) 58:26 21. 爱 · 那个让我安心的人 (Love · That Person Who Makes Me Feel At Ease) 01:00:56 22. 爱 · 我们其实是一种人 (Love · We Are Actually The Same Type) 01:02:53 23. 六道堂 · 出征 (Liudao Hall · Battle) 01:05:09 24. 天星峡之战 · 全团出击 (Battle at Tianxing Gorge · Entire Regiment Strikes) 01:07:28 25. 天星峡之战 · 擒贼先擒王 (Battle at Tianxing Gorge · Enemy Defeated By Capturing King) 01:09:37 26. 天星峡之战 · 如意双刀 (Battle at Tianxing Gorge · Ruyi’s Double Knives) 01:10:56 27. 天星峡之战 · 大获全胜 (Battle at Tianxing Gorge · Total Victory) 01:12:12 28. 朱衣卫 · 乱笛 (Scarlet Guard · Disordered Flute) 01:13:45 29. 章崧之情 · 一步之遥 (Zhang Song’s Feelings · A Step Too Far) 01:15:44 30. 章崧之情 · 二意三心 (Zhang Song’s Feelings · Half-heartedness) 01:18:23 31. 章崧之情 · 三思而行 (Zhang Song’s Feelings · Set Off After Thinking Carefully) 01:21:21 32. 舞 · 雪棠花 (Dance - Snowdrops) 01:24:53 33. 爱 · 晴夏 (Love · Clear Summer) 01:26:25 34. 六道堂 · 情义 (Liudao Hall · Comradeship) 01:27:38 35. 相逢何必曾相识 (No Need To Be Acquainted When Meeting) 01:29:34 36. 爱 · 冬至 (Love · Winter Solstice) 01:33:40 37. 公主的心事 (The Princess’s Burden) 01:36:01 38. 爱 · 沁入心扉 (Love · Seep Into the Heart) 01:38:17 39. 六道堂 · 一往无前 (Liudao Hall · Advance Courageously) 01:40:06 40. 你好,我是于十三 (Hello, I Am Yu Shisan) 01:41:42 41. 不亦乐乎 (Isn’t It A Joy?) 01:44:27 42. 我一定让你心想事成 (I Will Make Sure You Get What You Wish For) 01:47:04 43. 初月 · 女大十八变 (Chu Yue · Different From When She Was Young) 01:49:27 44. 暗箭齐发 (Arrows In The Dark) 01:53:37 45. 合昙之战 · 剑拔弩张 (Battle Of Hetan · Mutual Hostility) 01:54:52 46. 烧了吧 (Burn It) 01:57:43 47. 天星峡之战 · 背水一战 (Battle at Tianxing Gorge · Fight With One’s Life) 01:59:45 48. 不可饶恕 (Unforgivable) 02:01:40 49. 同心蝶 (Concentric Butterfly) 02:02:53 50. 心觉 (Consciousness) 02:03:31 51. 朱衣卫 · 八弦 (Scarlet Guard · Eight-stringed Instrument) 02:05:09 52. 初月 · 沙西之光 (Chu Yue · Shaxi’s Glory) 02:07:18 53. 有点悟性 (A Little Understanding 02:09:19 54. 高看你一眼 (Think Highly Of You) 02:10:43 55. 属犬的 (Year of the Dog Zodiac) 02:12:52 56. 爱 · 秋缘 (Love · Autumn Destiny) 02:14:33 57. 公主的眼泪 (The Princess’s Tears) 02:16:57 58. 生死两茫茫 (Life And Death Are At A Loss) 02:19:24 59. 爱 · 沐春风 (Love · Bathed In Spring Wind) 02:21:54 60. 苍白的尘土 (Pale Dirt of the Mortal World) 02:24:12 61. 六道堂 · 憾 (Liudao Hall · Regret) 02:26:25 62. 六道堂 · 手足情深 (Liudao Hall · Deep Affection) 02:30:45 📌A Journey To Love Playlist 一念关山 歌曲合集: ✨Other social medias✨: ⏩ Support me by donating to me on Ko-fi: ⏩For more Chinese drama OSTs with English translations, subscribe to my Youtube channel here: @Peachey_Blossom/featured ⏩Follow me here on MyDramaList to see what dramas I'm watching and for more drama and OST translation updates! ⏩Follow me on Instagram for Chinese drama updates: ⏩Follow me on Spotify to see my playlists: #一念关山 #ajourneytolove #不才 #黄霄雲 #张杰 #任贤齐 #liuyuning #liushishi #刘诗诗 #cecilialiu #刘宇宁 #摩登兄弟刘宇宁 #alenfang #方逸伦 #helandou #何蓝逗 #陳昊宇 #chenhaoyu #常华森 #changhuasen #tiaray #huangxiaoyun #袁娅维 #张栋梁 #光良 #jasonzhang #zhangjie #任贤齐