RUSSIAN FOLK ARTS AND CRAFTS MARKET. Interviewing craftsmen. Learn Russian B2+. Vlog with subtitles

Listen to artisans from different cities of Russia and enjoy their creativity. Learn Russian through authentic materials with English and Russian subtitles. 🔥 PDF transcriptions of my videos and podcasts with accented texts and English translations 0:00 Привет 00:38 Матрёшка | Matryoshka 01:33 Авторский гобелен | Tapestry 04:55 Картины из натуральных минералов | Paintings made from natural minerals 08:19 Повязки и подвески с орнаментом | Headbands and pendants with ornaments 12:46 Кондитерская фабрика | Confectionery factory 14:39 Изделия из лозы | Products made from wicker 19:15 Лаковая миниатюрная живопись | Lacquer miniature painting 22:02 Роспись по ткани и художественная вышивка | Fabric painting and artistic embroidery 23:50 Кружевоплетение | Lace making 25:40 Спасибо моим патронам Check out the artisans' websites Russian with Dasha podcast The Russian Twist podcast Read my blog or book a lesson Telegram For more videos, please SUBSCRIBE to my channel