Господи, воззвах к Тебе / Lord, I have cried

Господи, воззвах к Тебе Музыка Георгий Свиридов Хор Государственной Третьяковской галереи. Хор Московского Сретенского монастыря. Lord, I have cried Music by Georgy Sviridov Choir of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Choir of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery. Accompanying photographs of the Spasso-Kamenny Monastery in the diocese of Vologda, located on the small Kamennoy Island on the Kubensky Lake... The Spaso-Kamenny Monastery  is a monastery of the Vologda diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church , located on the small Kamennoy Island on the Kubensky Lake in the Ust-Kubinsky District of the Vologda Region . One of the oldest monasteries of the Russian North . Closed and demolished under Soviet rule . In the early 1990s, enthusiasts began the first attempts to restore the ensemble of the monastery. In 2006, the bishop's monastery “Spaso-Kamenny Monastery“ was established. October 6, 2017 the monastery was officially revived.