Big Bach from Big John: Prelude and Fugue in E minor BWV548 - David Briggs at St John the Divine NYC

Big Bach from Big John: Prelude and Fugue in E minor, BWV 548 ‘The Wedge’ - David Briggs at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, NYC This monumental composition dates from the 1730s and represents a complete synthesis between Italianate ‘concerto form’ and the more contrapuntal ‘fugal’ form. The Prelude, in 3/4 time, impresses by its profundity, it sweeping gesture and richness of musical figuration. It is based on relatively few thematic ideas and is a model of transformation and development. The Fugue follows the overall form of a Da Capo Aria (A B A) making it unique in any Bach Fugue. Interestingly, the B section is precisely twice as long as the A sections. This middle section, B, contrasts concertato and ripieno elements, whereas the outer A sections are more strictly fugal. The fugue subject itself gains its name from its chromatically expanding nature and is highly original in that its tonality is not affirmed until the third bar! At 232 bars, this is Bach’s longest fugue for the instrumen