Sofia Metro - The newest stations on M3 / Софийското метро - новите станции от МД 3

From last Saturday () four more stations are in operation on the new metro line 3 (M3) of the Sofia Metro (Metropoliten EAD). With these 4 new metro stations, the line has a much more complete look, serving the Ovcha Kupel and Gorna Banya neighborhoods and also making a connection with the railway line Sofia - Kulata with a brand new railway halt at Gorna banya station. Metro line 3 was opened officially in the end of August 2020 and it does not have a railway connection to the other two metro lines in Sofia or to the national railway network. Currently it length is 17,8 km with 12 stations. The movement of the trains on M3 is automatic. Of course there is a driver in the cabin, but it main role is to close the doors at the stations and to monitors the operation of the systems. The trains which are operating on M3 are Siemens Inspiro. They are much quieter and comfortable than the Metrovagonmash trains which are serving M1 and M2. ------------------------- Четири нови станции влезнаха в