E l e v a t i o n // outdoor modular session //

An outdoor modular session. In the beautiful french pyrenees, at the Plateau du Benou. Creative Process E l e v a t i o n is part of a 3 episode sessions we originally recorded for the Hashiconf in last May. We only had 5 weeks to do 3 loops of the entire process. Elevation was our first round. It took place in the wonderful Plateau du Benou, in the south west of France, where i've been based for the last 5 years. It is one of my favorite spots in the region. I celebrated changes of seasons, in the middle of the 3000 yo. Cromlech (Iron Age) banging on drums; dancing around the fire. Asking the Universe We came a week earlier for the “reminder“ exploration, to capture soundscapes, landscapes, reconnect with this amazing spot but also to consciously realised how difficult it will be to carry all the gear. As we're only 2, we sometimes have to renounce. It was quite a challenge with a bit more than 80 kgs of equipment. When coming back for the session, we started the ascension in the full darkness, lights on our heads, at 2 am, to be sure to not miss the sunrise. When we arrived at the Plateau, still in the full darkness, we saw 100 flashing eyes, a big and happy band of llamas & sheeps. Some of you know how much animals are important for me, and how i feel it is always a benediction when we meet them before a session. Seeing, listening, feeling this magical valley being slowly illuminated, all the animals awakening around, the energies of this ground, the trees, the moon, the sun... was a truly breathtaking moment. The entire process, so deep & transformative ✨ ⛰️ ✨ For the last 5 years, being close to Nature helped me to heal, to reconnect in many different levels. I have so much gratitude for everything she gave me, (or took away with her), she gives us. I hope you will appreciate the journey. 🙏 ✨ 🙏 Episode 2 is taking place in a very unusual spot. Really can't wait to share more about it. 📷 Chalisk Pito With, among others; Nerdseq, er101, bitbox1010, pamela, STOs, Mini Mods (VCOs/VCFs) DPO, Foundation Oscillator, Amp & Tone, Noise & Filter, Mangrove, Bartola Valves (VCO, Fuzz 1+2, LPG, VCA, LFO), Saïch, Erbe Verb, Mimeophon, mk4, Magneto, BDS, Verb, Panharmonium, Marie's LFO, Overseer, MSCL, VCA Matrix, lots of multiples .......... Nb: i use a homemade generator (boat battery + converter) to power my system. Noiseless, powerful, but quite heavy (38 kgs) . . . #modularsynth #eurorack #synth #electronicmusic #ambient #outdoorsession #pyrenees #nature #creativeprocess