John Dowland (1563-1626): Ayres for Four Voices

00:00 Awake, sweet love (19) 02:42 Woeful heart (29) 05:26 Were every thought an eye (58) 07:40 Flow not so fast (39) 10:54 Away with these self-loving lads (21) 12:21 Sweet, stay awhile (54) 14:42 Come again (17) 16:58 Dear, if you change (7) 20:02 To ask for all thy love (55) 22:34 Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me (15) 25:39 If floods of tears (24) 27:12 Sleep, wayward thoughts (13) 29:42 In this trembling shadow cast (61) 33:27 Say, love (38) 34:53 Come, heavy sleep (20) 37:49 Disdain me still (53) The numbering of the ayres is taken from Musica Britannica VI John Dowland - Ayres for Four Voices , edited by Thurston Dart and Nigel Fortune, from which these performances were sung. The Golden Age Singers, directed by Margaret Field-Hyde Margaret Field-Hyde, soprano / Andrew Pearmain, countertenor Alfred Hepworth, tenor / James Atkins, bass It is not easy to survey the growth of secular song in sixteenth-century En