Does my child have ADHD?

For more information about the Child and Adolescent Specialized Assessments (CASA) Program, visit: A common question amongst parents and caregivers is: Does my child have ADHD? Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood, affecting up to 11 percent of school-age children. Although many youth can experience difficulty paying attention and being restless at times, children with ADHD experience pervasive and persistent difficulties that affect their daily functioning at school and at home. For most, symptoms begin before the age of 12 and will continue into adulthood. The three main ADHD symptoms in youth include inattention, hyperactivity and a tendency to be impulsive. Some examples of these symptoms include: 1) Inattention a) Fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes b) Has difficulty maintaining attention/easily distracted c) Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly d) Has difficulty recalling learned information 2) Hyperactivity a) Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat b) Runs or climbs excessively when inappropriate c) Often talks excessively d) Experiences feelings of restlessness 3) Impulsivity a) Blurts out answers before questions have been completed b) Has difficulty waiting their turn c) Interrupts or intrudes on others Should your child be evaluated for ADHD or related disorders? You may consider testing if your child exhibits: • Academic/learning difficulties, such as difficulty remembering things, completing homework, understanding new concepts, keeping up with their class • Behavioral difficulties and not following through with instructions • Peer difficulties • Difficulties with attention span, concentration or excessive level of activity at home and in school Communicate with your child’s pediatrician if you have any concerns. We are always here to help. #ADHD, #DoesmychildhaveADHD?, #pediatrics , #neurodevelopmentaldisorder , #pediatrichealth , #parenting , #ADHDsymptoms , #learningdifficulties , #Behavioraldifficulties , #Peerdifficultiesinchildren , #attentionspandifficulties, #ChildandAdolescentSpecializedAssessmentsProgram, #adolescenthealth