
This is the second train scene in the film; the first scene shows a 24-year-old Gandhi being thrown off a South African train in 1893 for being an Indian sitting in a first-class compartment. This is what Wikipedia says about the film: David Lean and Sam Spiegel had planned to make a film about Gandhi after completing The Bridge on the River Kwai, reportedly with Alec Guinness as Gandhi. Ultimately, the project was abandoned in favour of Lawrence of Arabia (1962). Richard Attenborough reluctantly approached Lean with his own Gandhi project in the late 1960s, and Lean agreed to direct the film and offered Attenborough the lead role. Instead Lean began filming Ryan's Daughter, during which time Motilai Kothari had died and the project fell apart. Attenborough again attempted to resurrect the project in 1976 with backing from Warner Brothers. Then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency in India and shooting would be impossible. Finally in 1980 Attenborough was able to secure both the funding and locations needed to make the film.