Outstanding NEW Midjourney V4 Mode | Possible Game Changer

Experimental V 4 is here! V 4 stands for “Version 4“ mode. It's still being worked on by the developers, but for what it is, it's amazing! There is still some issues with hands and lettering, but it's definitely a great improvement. You can always make text with any other software like Photoshop, Word, etc. There will be some bugs, but that's why they've released it, so that they can improve upon it with creator's input. In this episode, I walk you through the process of using real images to create an amazing and outstanding AI Art and improve upon it. Music Used: “Put It“ by TrackTribe Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe! This helps me get this channel out to more people; more creatives that need a little spark of inspiration. Thank you for watching! Link to the Pexels Stock Image of the Angry Man Hitting Desk: Link to Midjourney! Start creating! Link to Midjourney Prompt Builder or Promptmania: #midjourney #V4 #MidjourneyV4 #webtoons #manga #comicbooks #conceptcharacterdesigns #howto #tutorial #midjourneyprompts #midjourneytestp midjourneyaiart #midjourneytips #aiart What have you created with Midjourney and the new modes? Let me know in the comments below. I'd like to see your AI Art. Remember, if you're stuck in some sort of writer's block, artist's block, or any block, maybe Midjourney can do the trick to get you out of it as it did for me.