Over 95% of People FAIL Scott’s Giant 50cm Pizza Challenge!!!

Taking on the Giant 50cm Pizza Challenge at Scott's Bar and Kitchen in Brussels, Belgium! Over 95% of challengers have failed to take down this behemoth of a pizza, but winners who finish in under 30 minutes can earn their meal for free and a spot up on Scott's Wall of Fame! *** Filmed July 30, 2023 *** STACK UP FOR MILITARY VETERANS: FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: FOLLOW ME ON IG: WEBSITE: *** About Me: I'm a 5'2 former women's physique bodybuilder on a mission to sample delicious foods from around the world! I tackle restaurant challenges, sample new food menus, and explore the unique eats in various cities. To balance out the calorie intake of weekly food challenges, I continue to pursue my love of fitness through extreme athletic adventures such as ultra-running and biking. I hope you'll join me at my table!