“Coyote“ Animated Short Film by: Lorenz Wunderle | STAFF PICK |

After losing his family to an attack by wolves, a coyote struggles with fear, grief, and anger up until a dark force pushes him to avenge his wife and children. Lorenz Wunderle's short animation is one of the most acclaimed animated films of recent memory, its fantastical style layering on top of a story of gut-wrenching tragedy. A hit with both animation and gritty genre fans at the Berlinale, Annecy, and Palm Springs, we're happy to present its YouTube premiere. COYOTE A Film By Lorenz Wunderle YK Animation Studio “A tragic event involving villainous wolves leaves a coyote familyless. At a loss between his grief and anger, the coyote lets a demonic force drive him to vengeance, but will that alleviate the pain? Featuring a colorful, visually striking aesthetic, director Lorenz Wunderle puts his protagonist, the “Coyote“, through one of the toughest human experiences: loss. Described by the director as “a beautiful tragedy with macabre picture joke”, the vivid animation style lends the film a very entertaining feel, but ultimately it's more emotionally powerful than initially meets the eye. Though Wunderle had a clear idea of the themes he wanted to explore in his film - the turmoil of emotions one experiences after a tragic loss and the inner process in finding a way out - he approached pre-production in quite an unconventional fashion. “The most interesting part of “Coyote“ was that we never worked with a written script“, he explains. “Instead, we drew a lot and created a visual language to work on the story”. An instant classic for both the genre crowd and animation fans, “Coyote“ delivers a constantly entertaining pace and doesn't shy away from serving up some serious blood splatter. Despite the bright colors, it remains a dark tale about vengeance with its violent moments never missing a beat. From an audience perspective, it's impossible not to root for the coyote, and watching him finding the strength to avenge his family is quite the ride. There is also an attention to detail that will delight the viewers that enjoy looking for the smaller things in the frame, as they inject an extra layer of humor to the narrative. However, where “Coyote“ truly succeeds is in the packaging of an emotionally layered, tragic story that never feels overwhelming in dealing with such a heavy topic. The narrative has a startling realism (unexpected for a film about a coyote looking to get revenge on wolves!) which certainly delivers emotionally, but it also has a dreamlike quality that wraps the viewer in its graphic fantasy world. Wunderle's coyote goes through all the stages of grief in the film's 10-minute run-time. His helplessness and emotional vulnerability allowing a dark force to take control of him and drive him to seek justice for his family. Like any deal with the devil though, it brings a new array of consequences as the end of his grief cycle soon becomes the beginning of a violent one - confirmed by his shadow in the last shot. Coyote had its online premiere as a Vimeo Staff Pick Premiere following a very impressive festival run that started with a premiere at the Berlinale 2018, with notable stops at SIFF and Annecy and picking up Oscar qualifying awards in Aspen and Palm Springs.“ - S/W Curator, Céline Roustan Reproduced on this channel with the permission of the filmmakers. We really hope you enjoy watching this video! When you do, please hit the LIKE ✔️ SUB ✔️ SHARE ✔️ button as well as the bell symbol 🔔 so you'll be kept in the loop as new material is published on our channel! Thank You for SUBSCRIBING -► STAFF PICK have permission to broadcast this video. If you believe this video should not be broadcast on our channel, please contact 1qazdryt@. For any Copyright issues, please reach out to us first before filing a claim with YouTube. Send us a message or email detailing your concerns and we'll make sure the matter is resolved immediately. #STAFF PICK #Shortfilms​​ #CGI​ #3D​​ #VFX​​ #VFXBreakdowns​​ #Reels​​ #MotionGraphic --- Tags: CGI, Animated, Short Film, Animated Short Film, Animated Shorts, Animation, 3d, VFX Short Film, Academy Award, new, best, Oscars, VFX Short, Animated Short Film funny, Animated Short Films, Animated Short Film Pixar, Short, Animated Short Films Award Winning, Animated Short Movies, Pixar Short Films, Oscar, Animated Movies, Best Animation Short Films, best short films, 3D Animated Short film, Animated Short Film 2015, Animated Short Film for Kids, Animated Short Film Horror, Animated Short Film Love, Animated Short Film Love Story, Funny Short Film, Award Winning, oscar nominations animated short film, Award winning short films, animated short film award winners, , CG, 3D, VFX, FX, Effects, Animation, Shorts, GFX, Motion, Capture, MoCap, Computer, Digital, Art, Modeling, 3d animation