HEBREW WORSHIP from Israel - Father of all Mercies - One Voice Concert | Pe Echad | פה אחד

We are delighted to share with you the first release from this wonderful concert, PE ECHAD - ONE VOICE, that took place in June 2023 in Jerusalem. Believers gathered in Israel to cry out to God and seek His mercy upon our nation. Blessed by the MJAI ministry? Consider supporting our operations; DONATE here: Connect with us: Instagram Facebook _______________________________________ Song: Av Kol HaRachamim (Father of all mercies) אב כל הרחמים - words and music by @elishevashomron2690 Led by Joseph Genosar and @ShaiSol Song: Av HaRachamim (Father of Mercies) אב הרחמים - words and music by @YarivGoldmanMusic Led by @ShaiSol and Joseph Genosar _______________________________________ Recorded in the Jerusalem Pavilion by Tairo Arrabal and Avi Perrodin Post Production engineered by @aviperrodin at @yuvalarts Additional recording: Eli Ben Moshe Mastering: Jordan Schultz Studio ירדן שולץ Music Director/Producer: Ann Hilsden Video: Aspiring Productions _______________________________________ אב כל הרחמים (אלישבע שמרון) רחמיך גדולים וחסדיך עדי עד אדון חסד כי זרועותיך פתוחות ולבך, לבך קרוב לכל נשברי לב אבא, אב הרחמים וכל הנחמה המנחם אותנו בכל צרותינו באהבת עולם קיבצתנו אליך אב הרחמים כי זרועותיך פתוחות בבנך הֿצלוב אב האהבה אהבה אב הרחמים (של יריב גולדמן) אההההה אב הרחמים, אלוהי החסד מלך המלכים, שומע תפילה x2 אההההה אב הרחמים, אלוהי החסד מלך המלכים, שומע תפילה x2 אלוהי כל נשמה, אבינו קדוש שמך אההההה אב הרחמים Great are Your compassions And Your loving kindness is everlasting LORD of loving kindness For your arms are open wide, and Your heart, Your heart is close To all the brokenhearted Abba, father of mercies, and all comfort Who comforts us in all of our sorrows x2 In everlasting love, You have gathered us unto yourself Father of mercies For Your arms are open wide, through your crucified Son Father of love . . . love _________________ Ahhhh… Father of mercies, God of loving kindness King of Kings, who hears prayer Ahhhh... O God, of all that breathes, Our Father! Holy is Your name Ahhhh… Father of mercies