A Black Republican Republican view of the Republican party and Donald Trump.

A Black Republican Republican view of the Republican party and Donald Trump. It's important to note that individuals within any political party can have diverse perspectives, and not all members share the same views. A Black Republican's view of the Republican Party and Donald Trump may vary based on their personal experiences, beliefs, and priorities. Here are some perspectives that a Black Republican might have: Republican Party & Former US President Donald Trump: Did Black start in the Republican Party, and why ? Why did Stwicher go to the democratic party? Does the democratic party take backs for garnet, and why do most blacks continue to vote Democratic?  How did the Former US president become a millionaire? What is his Charter, in your opinion? What did you think about the Central Park 5 who were guilty of crimes and citizens who used to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law? The costs found out they did not do the crime, but Donald Trump did not pr