Coyote Attacks a Cat!

**AND THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER DECLAW YOUR CATS** Declawing cats is a practice that involves the removal of the claws, typically for the convenience of the pet owner. However, this procedure can have serious and lasting consequences for the animal. This story illustrates just how crucial a cat's claws are for its survival and well-being. One night, a cat found itself in a life-or-death situation. A hungry coyote had made its way into the yard, and the cat was about to become its next meal. The coyote, driven by hunger, aggressively lunged at the cat, attempting to grab it with its powerful jaws. Despite the imminent danger, the cat's instincts kicked in, and it fought back with all its might. Using its claws, the cat swiped at the coyote, managing to momentarily fend off the predator. In a desperate bid to survive, the cat sought refuge under a nearby table. The table provided some cover, but the coyote was relentless. It managed to bite the cat even as it crouched under the table, its sharp teeth sinking into the cat's flesh. The situation seemed dire, but the cat's will to survive was stronger than ever. Despite the pain and fear, the cat spotted a metal pole nearby. Summoning every ounce of its strength, the cat dashed toward the pole and began to climb. Climbing the pole was no easy feat, especially with the injuries it had sustained, but the cat's claws gripped the metal tightly, allowing it to ascend higher and higher. The coyote snapped at the cat's tail and legs, but the determined feline managed to stay just out of reach. Eventually, the cat reached the top of the pole, where the coyote could not follow. Safe for the moment, the cat clung to the pole, panting heavily from the exertion and adrenaline. Up there, high above the ground, the poor kitty was holding on for dear life. Its eyes were wide with fear, and its heart pounded in its chest. The coyote prowled below, still hoping for a chance to snatch the cat if it came down. The cat knew it couldn't stay up there forever, but for now, it was safe. It needed the humans to wake the hell up and come to its rescue. As the minutes dragged on, the cat's strength began to wane. It meowed loudly, hoping to rouse someone from their slumber. The coyote, frustrated by its inability to reach the cat, eventually wandered off, but the cat remained on high alert. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the cat's cries were heard. A light flicked on inside the house, and a human stumbled outside, groggy and confused. Seeing the cat perched precariously on the pole and recognizing the signs of a recent struggle, the human quickly sprang into action. They scared the coyote away for good and gently coaxed the terrified cat down from the pole. Safe in the arms of its owner, the cat was taken inside, where its wounds were tended to and it was given a warm place to rest. This harrowing experience underscores the importance of a cat's claws. Without them, the cat would not have been able to defend itself or climb to safety. Declawing robs cats of their natural defenses and leaves them vulnerable in situations where their survival instincts are all they have to rely on. It is a stark reminder that declawing is not a benign procedure, but one that can have severe implications for a cat's ability to protect itself and thrive. Never declaw your cats; their claws are essential for their safety and well-being.