𝔑𝔬𝔢̈𝔩, A Medieval Christmas - Pro Cantione Antiqua & Mediaeval Wind Ensemble, Mark Brown dir.

Ensemble: Pro Cantione Antiqua & Mediaeval Wind Ensemble, Mark Brown dir. Album: A Medieval Christmas Video: Book of Hours, Use of Rome (the 'Golf Book' c 1540) • This is the second Christmas themed video of this 2022. Christmas celebrations were very heartfelt in the so-called Middle Ages, most of the traditions still present in our western society were born right in the medieval centuries, it's no wonder then that there are enough songs on the theme of the nativity of Christ. The concept of Christmas was born around the 5th century AD. by Pope Leo I with the intention of replacing the pagan rites of the Saturnalia, celebrations dedicated to Saturn and to Nature falling asleep during Winter; and of Sol Invictus or the Invincible Sun, which was reborn at the end of the Winter Solstice, on December 25, a period in which the days begin to lengthen in the planet's northern hemisphere, thus confirming the Sun's reaffirmation over the world. Leo I in his Christmas sermons states that the “True Sun“ is Christ, which is why December 25th becomes the day in which his birth is celebrated which illuminates the world after the long period of darkness. Leo I in the fifth century enriches the symbolic imagery of the nativity that is still part of our society today: the ox and the donkey in the stall would represent the pagans and the Jewish people respectively. Subsequently, in the seventh century, the stable present in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew was replaced by the freezing cave present in the Proto-Gospel of James, and this cave is associated with a symbolic prediction of the hardness of life that Jesus will have to face. All these elements, in the twelfth century, will be taken by St. Francis to represent the birth of Jesus to the people through the nativity scene of Greccio. The music presented here is born from the collaboration of two ensembles: Pro Cantione Antiqua & Mediaeval Wind Ensemble. The first pressing of this album dates back to 1986, the pieces performed go from the 12th to the 15th century and almost all concern the theme of the nativity (Mark Brown, artistic director, has also decided to include some instrumental dances that are well suited to the holidays). For the video instead I have selected some winter and Christmas images from the beautiful “Golf Book“ of 1540. I wish you good listening. Mirko Virginio Volpe MUSICA MEDIEVALE • 1 Ductia (English, 13th Century) 2 Alle Psallite (German, 13th Century) 3 Portugaler (French,14th/15th Century) 4 Angelus Ad Virginem (English, 13th/14th Century) 5 Introitus: Puer Natus Est Nobis 6 In Seculum Breve (French, 13th Century) 7 Orientis Partibus (French, 13th Century) 8 Ductia (English, 13th Century) 9 Verbum Patris (French, 12th Century) 10 E Semine Rosa (French,12th/13th Century) 11 Alleluia Psallat (English, 13th/14th Century) 12 Thys Yol (English, 14th/15th Century) 13 Edi Beo Thu (English, 13th Century) 14 Ecce Quod Natura (English,15th Century) 15 Nova, Nova (English,15th Century) 16 Goday My Lord Syre Cristemasse (English,15th Century) 17 Danse Real (French,13th Century) 18 Beata Viscera (French,12th/13th Century) 19 Graduale: Viderunt Omnea 20 Virgo (French,13th Century) 21 Beata Viscera (English,13th Century) 22 Offertorium: Tui Sunt Coeli 23 Communio: Viderunt Omnes 24 Quene Note (English,14th/15th Century) 25 A Sollis Ortus (French,15th Century) 26 Hymnus: Aeterna Christi Munera 27 Tard Il Mio Cor (English,15th Century) 28 Ther Ys No Rose (English,15th Century) 29 Nowel, Synge We Both Al And Som (English,15th Century) 30 Nowel, Owt Of Your Slepe (English,15th Century) 31 Hayl Mary (English,15th Century) 32 Synge We To This Mery Cumpane (English,15th Century) • Bass Vocals - Brian Etheridge, Michael George Tenor Vocals - Ian Partridge, James Griffett, Neil Jenkins Countertenor Vocals - Charles Brett, Timothy Penrose Timbrel, Tabor - Mark Brown Recorder, Bombarde, Bagpipes, Dulcian - Peter Davies Recorder, Shawm, Sackbut, Dulcian - Andrew Van Der Beek Recorder, Shawm, Dulcian - Jonathan Morgan Conductor - Mark Brown • • Buy: 🌻 The monetization of this channel is disabled to offer the highest possible listening quality. Please support the channel with a free donation: • #earlymusic #musicamedievale #christmas #medieval #noel #medievalmusic #procantioneantiqua #mediaevalwindensemble