The Best QL Door Stretch for Low Back Pain -MoveU

Start Fixin Yo’ Sh!T - Is your lower back tight? Do you have Disc, Sciatica, or SIJ pain? This (QL)Quadratus Lumborum stretch is a great way to loosen up the muscles around the back and hips, reduce sciatica, and alleviate SIJ issues. Hold onto a door frame, car door, a friend, TRX straps/rings, etc. Watch the video several times to emulate this movement… it can be complicated! Whatever object you decide to hang off of, make sure that it is sturdy and that you won’t slip on the ground! The QL muscle gets tight from lack of glute strength/control and an inactive core. To permanently reduce your lower back tightness, you have to learn how to properly move! How to engage the glutes, stand properly, hinge properly, contract the core and breathe efficiently, and get the shoulder blades in the right position. The entire body is connected… this one stretch will not solve your problems, but it is a great way to get a little boost and some relief. The QL muscle can also develop these gnarly “knots” or “adhesions” about the size of a golf ball in people that have a flattened spine or reverse curve in the lower back. If you are one of these people, improving your anterior tilt, doing some McKenzie Press ups (like sphinx pose or chaturanga), and strengthening the muscles of the lower back can help to alleviate this tightness in the long term. This QL stretch is great for reducing pain temporarily but is not a long-term fix. Want more help from us? The MoveU online program allows us to help people all over the world. Learn more, and begin improving today at