Is Ukraine Using an “Elastic Defense?“ Or Just Losing the War?

Update on the conflict in Ukraine for June 23, 2024... - Western narratives continue to suggest Ukraine is buying time for additional arms and ammunition to arrive at the front; - However, Western military production is unable to supply sufficient arms and ammunition to turn the tide in the fighting; - Articles discussing an “elastic defense“ admit the lopsided nature of fighting in Russia's favor; - Other signs of flagging Western aid is the desperate decision to delay Patriot missile orders to redirect missiles to Ukraine; - The US only produces 550 interceptors a year while Russia launches over 4,000 missiles at targets across Ukraine over the same period; - “Factories“ Western arms manufacturers claim they are building in Ukraine are mis-advertised, and instead small repair shops with negligible strategic value; For Daily Updates on Ukraine: The Duran (Telegram): Scott of Kalibrated (Telegram): Mark Sleboda (Telegram): References: Washington Post - Wounded Ukrainian soldiers reveal steep toll of Kherson offensive (September 2022): AP - Ukraine employs a flexible defense while waiting for new Western ammo to get to the front (June 17, 2024): FT - US to redirect Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine (June 20, 2024): Defense News - How Patriot proved itself in Ukraine and secured a fresh future (April 2024): #:~:text=In%20December%2C%20the%20firm%20said,650%20a%20year%20by%202027. Reuters - Ukraine says Russia has launched over 8,000 missiles, 4,630 drones during war (February 2024): Kyiv Independent - Destruction of Kerch Bridge won't be as effective anymore, military says (June 17, 2024): RAND Corporation - It Isn't All Bad News for Ukraine (July 11, 2024): RAND Corporation - Extending Russia Competing from Advantageous Ground (2019): Ukrainska Pravda - Where are the Fortifications (in Ukrainian) (May 13, 2024): The Kyiv Indepdent - First Rheinmetall-Ukraine joint production and repair plant becomes operational (June 11, 2024): #:~:text=The%20first%20joint%20production%20plant,localize%20weapons%20production%20in%202024. BILD - BILD in the Secret Tank Factory, Repair Hall is Russia’s Strategic Target (June 16, 2024): Kyiv Independent - Rheinmetall aims to start production of armored vehicles in Ukraine in 2024 (December 2023): Breaking Defense - Northrop planning to build munitions inside Ukraine (June 18, 2024): Where to Find My Work: Website: Telegram: Twitter: Odysee (YouTube alternative): @LandDestroyer:8 Rumble (YouTube alternative): Weibo: ไบรอัน แฟนคลับ (Facebook): Line Group: Gab: VK (Facebook alternative): How to Support my Work (and thank you!): Buy Me A Coffee: Patreon: PromptPay: 0851547235 Cryptocurrency Donations: Ethereum (ETH): 0xee6ed93c3adc474450011e9af22939a0b9b312c7 BitCoin (BTC): 1AfGnbmHxA6cy9YKUSxysXvpJPyecpBKrr Monero (XMR): 845TCXx3pchSBXuDL7FHG679gbWD2wkHS6MJxuq7jFVsVFj7T6xsry747uhhGZUdkaRXbbrMfo5c8RnGfzGZ13KxQUdHVLR