The Beauty of Fractal Geometry (#SoME2)

0:00 — Sierpiński carpet 0:18 — Pythagoras tree 0:37 — Pythagoras tree 2 0:50 — Unnamed fractal circles 1:12 — Dragon Curve 1:30 — Barnsley fern 1:44 — Question for you! 2:05 — Koch snowflake 2:26 — Sierpiński triangle 2:47 — Cantor set 3:03 — Hilbert curve 3:22 — Unnamed fractal squares 3:43 — Menger sponge 3:53 — Sierpiński triangle (in Stereo) 4:05 — Mandelbrot set 4:27 — Some other fractals Apollonian gasket: Romanesco: Mandelbrot Set: (colored) Fractional Dimenson: Newton's fractal: MORE BEAUTIFUL GEOMETRY 1) Geometric Interpretations: 2) Fagnano's Problem: 3) Theorems of the 20th Century: