Sandsfoot Castle ~ Weymouth #Weymouth #dorset #sandsfootcastle #castle #sandsfoot #henryviii

This is from last year when I was in Dorset. We couldn't go inside the castle due to ongoing work. But it was still nice to see and the gardens are also very nice. The cafe area is clean and we enjoyed a coffee. Sandsfoot Castle info: The romantic ruins of Sandsfoot Castle, a Scheduled Ancient Monument, have been a popular tourist attraction since Weymouth’s earliest days as a resort in the 18th century. It was constructed in 1539, on Henry VIII’s orders, to provide with Portland Castle a defence from attack from the continent via the sheltered waters of Portland Roads after his break with the Roman Catholic Church. It had two storeys and a basement, providing an emplacement for cannon, powder magazines and quarters for fifty men. It was protected by a ditch and earth rampart, remains of which account for some landscape features of the current gardens. Some of the building stone came from an earlier ecclesiastical building destroyed after the Dissolution of the Monasteries, most