Can Blind people Dream? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Dreams are a collection of images, events or sensations which we see or feel in our daily lives. Now, whether a blind person can see in his dreams or not, depends on when he lost his vision. If he lost his vision in the later stage of his life, then his brain would use visual information stored in his memories to create dreams. But the same wouldn’t happen if an individual is blind since birth. This is because his brain has never received any visual information. So instead, his dreams would get their content from memories of sound, smell, touch, etc., which he perceives in his everyday life. However, another science experiment showed results contrary to this. In that experiment, people who were blind since birth were able to draw their dreams, thus proving that they not only sense or feel, but also see in their dreams.