Bitten by a baby Lemon shark

Please read before commenting. I sat still for several hours patiently waiting for these juvenile Lemon sharks to come closer and interact with me. When they eventually came close the slightest movement from me would scare them off. After circling me for ages they would eventually come closer and head butt me or whack me with their tails and on one occasion actually tried to test bite me to see if I was food. (I literally lost a hair follicle and that is all. It was not a successful or aggressive bite) Once they realised that I am not food or a threat they would approach closer and search for the source of the fish scent that is coming from a small piece of fish placed inside a perorated water bottle, then eventually a loose piece of fish placed directly in front of me. What is interesting is that if I picked up the bottle or the piece of fish the sharks would stay away. (In fact any movement from my arms would deter them) It was also interesting to see how much difficulty they had in pin pointing the exa