The Sacred War (Extended Parade Instrumental)

The Sacred War was an important propaganda song in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, and is still used to day in the Russian Federation. In the Crimson Dawn universe, the New USSR used it not only during the 2nd Russian Civil War before the New USSR was formed, but it was also used during [REDACTED]. Featured is the Flag of the New USSR: Russian Lyrics: Вставай, страна огромная, Вставай на смертный бой С фашистской силой тёмною, С проклятою ордой. Припев: (2x) Пусть ярость благородная Вскипает, как волна! Идёт война народная, Священная война! Дадим отпор душителям Всех пламенных идей, Насильникам, грабителям, Мучителям людей! Припев (2x) Не смеют крылья чёрные Над Родиной летать, Поля её просторные Не смеет враг топтать! Припев (2x) Гнилой фашистской нечисти Загоним пулю в лоб, Отребью человечества Сколотим крепкий гроб! Припев (2x) Romanized Lyrics Vstavay, strana ogromnaya Vstavay na smertnyy boy! S fashistskoy siloy tyomnoyu, S proklyatoyu ordoy. Pripev: (2x) Pust’ yarost’ blagorodnaya Vskipayet, kak volna! Idyot voyna narodnaya, Svyaschennaya voyna! Dadim otpor dushitelyam Vsekh plamennykh idey, Nasil’nikam, grabitelyam, Muchitelyam lyudey. Pripev (2x) Ne smeyut kryl’ya chornyye Nad Rodinoy letat’, Polya yeyo prostornyye Ne smeyet vrag toptat’. Pripev (2x) Gniloy fashistskoy nechisti Zagonim pulyu v lob, Otreb’yu chelovechestva Skolotim krepkiy grob! Pripev (2x) English Lyrics: Arise, vast country, Arise for a fight to the death Against the dark fascist forces, Against the cursed hordes. Chorus: (2x) Let noble wrath Boil over like a wave! This is the people's war, a Sacred war! We shall repulse the oppressors Of all ardent ideas. The rapists and the plunderers, The torturers of people. Chorus (2x) The black wings shall not dare Fly over the Motherland, On her spacious fields The enemy shall not dare tread! Chorus (2x) We shall drive a bullet into the forehead Of the rotten fascist filth, For the scum of humanity We shall build a solid coffin! Chorus (2x)