Enrico Rava - Tomasz Stańko Quintet • Garana Jazz Festival 2017

Enrico Rava - Tomasz Stańko Quintet Gărâna Jazz Festival 2017 XXI edition July -- Enrico Rava (trumpet), Tomasz Stańko (trumpet), Giovanni Guidi (piano), Reuben Rogers (bass), Gerald Cleaver (drums) -- “The opening act on the fourth and closing night was the duet of Tomasz Stanko and Enrico Rava, backed by members of Stanko's New York Quartet with Reuben Rogers on bass and Gerald Cleaver on the drums and a member of Rava's band, Giovanni Guidi on piano. These two artists are the elder statesmen of European jazz and are renowned soloists and bandleaders in their own right. In jazz, it has proven that the personnel that comes together in a special way can be a result either of second choices or just plain serendipity. This pairing obviously falls into the latter category. The program was beautifully balanced where the two meshed on stage, performing beautiful compositions where the distinct voices complemented each other.“ (Garana Jazz Festiva