Gaudete - The Gesualdo Six

Gaudete, arranged by Brian Kay The Gesualdo Six, directed by Owain Park Filmed at St James Sussex Gardens, London - - - This track comes from the ensemble’s second album, ‘Christmas’, a programme that reaches across the ages inspired by the mystery and joy of the festive season (available here: ). - - - About the music Gaudete, meaning ‘rejoice’, is a medieval carol related to the third Sunday of Advent, known as ‘Gaudete Sunday’. The song was first published in about 1582 in a Scandinavian volume called Piae Cantiones. The simple tune of each verse is answered by the pithy refrain or ‘burden’, harmonized in this version by Brian Kay. [Programme note: Owain Park © 2019] - - - The Gesualdo Six | Owain Park