Military Base Worldgen, Bombs + Explosion Updates | OppenMiner Dev

Hi y'all! This time around, I'm giving you a sneak preview of some new worldgen I've been working on in addition to the trenches from the last video. I've also added 3d models for the bombs and added a “crafting“ / placing mechanic to assemble a bomb from its components. I've also added items for the fuses and made them attachable. I'm not showing how the fuses work just yet as I first want to finish the realistic bomb penetration model I've been working on that's based on a bombs size, weight and speed as well as the hardness of the blocks the bomb is going through. This is also practically done but I didn't have the time to properly record it before being away from my keyboard for some time. Last thing I've worked on are the explosion effects: - I've switched from using the standard tnt explosion particle to a custom one that fits better with my other particles. However the specific shader does some strange things to the paricles, so I've attached a vanilla-graphics clip at the end. - Debris kicked up by large explosions now smolders, slowly giving off smoke paricles for more athmosphere I won't be able to reply to any comments for the first few days as I'll be on a festival in the middle of nowhere without internet until next Wednesday. Edit: Apparently I also can't attach this text as a comment while the video is scheduled for publishing. If you're reading this and it hasn't been posted to the comments yet, feel free to copy it there. Once I'm back I will sticky whoever was first :) Update on the Radiation - Currently working on adding realistic nuclear / decay physics based on real-world data. This allows me to basically tell the game which isotopes of radioactive elements I want to have. The game then automatically adds items for the whole decay chain. But isn't all of this overkill? Well, obviously yes but hear me out: I want to not only add “radiation“ to the game, but actually have alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation, with the difference being how many blocks it penetrates.