Wow! Swimming at Epiphany, swimming in winter in Gomel. 2024. January 19. Part 2.

The baptismal bath went great. In general, swimming in the ice hole in winter brings a lot of health and positive emotions. Swim in the ice hole in winter - and you will get rid of many diseases and you will have good health. Swimming in the hole is not only a good hobby, but also positive emotions from this action. Once again, I wish you a good swim in the hole in the winter. Not only ordinary people swim in the ice holes in winter, but also doctors, rescuers and other people. There is nothing difficult in swimming in the hole in winter, and you can see for yourself. Now let's talk about the benefits of swimming in the hole. By this time, ice has already formed on all reservoirs, which can be called safe. The water in the hole is absolutely transparent, which is important for those who decide to plunge into cold water. During bathing, a person does not experience the slightest discomfort, and therefore harm to health. And for those who constantly swim in the winter for baptism in the hole, do not forget this activity, constantly encourage the desire to swim in the hole in the winter. I don’t know about you, but for me, an ice hole is a place where you can plunge into cold water, feel like a part of nature. And nature is a wise mother who takes care of us. She always gives us strength and health, she teaches us to live and rejoice, even if we do not notice it. How to swim in the Epiphany hole? And how to properly prepare for swimming in the hole Do I need to follow a diet before swimming in the hole? How to dress properly before swimming? How not to freeze in the hole? And of course, the main thing is the bathing process itself. Preparing for Epiphany bathing is very important, first read how to swim in the hole, what you need to do, how to plunge into the hole, and so on. Bathing for baptism, swimming in winter, winter swimming, swimming in an ice hole, swimming in a river in winter, swimming in frost, dipping in an ice hole, diving into an ice hole, Epiphany bathing - it's really scary to do it for the first time. But then, swimming in the hole with your head, swimming in the cold, swimming in walruses, swimming in the winter for girls, swimming in the hole, diving into the hole, swimming in the hole - brings enormous positive emotions. Hot tea after swimming, in Epiphany frosts, after swimming in an ice hole, is especially good to drink. Hardening, swimming and strength training are applicable before dipping. Winter swimming, swimming in an ice-hole, hardening the body with cold water - has a positive effect on the body and strengthens the immune system. Of course, hardening is the most powerful prevention of colds. A person gets used to lower temperatures, making himself less vulnerable to SARS and FLU. For the cardiovascular system, such water procedures are also an excellent workout, that is, the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The nervous system also undergoes changes: irritability and fatigue decrease, a person becomes more resistant to stress and negative external influences. In addition, getting up half an hour earlier and devoting this time not to tea with sweets, but to courageously overcoming oneself, a person trains willpower, and this also affects both character and stress resistance. And let swimming in the ice hole bring you only positive emotions and good mood. Personally, when I swam for the first time, I was very impressed. And do not forget to take warm clothes with you to the hole for changing clothes. And, of course, don't forget to bring your swimwear and towels. After bathing, you need to quickly rub yourself with a towel, put on dry clothes and drink hot tea. And I wish good health to you and your loved ones. #SeventhWater #SeventhWaterYouTube #SeventhWaterMusic