Burrows & Badgers Narrative Battle Report

Well I went and did it -This is the first Battle Report I have made. I am trying to find new ways of presenting table top games, rather than just filming two hairy blokes rolling some dice. I want to feature the scenery (cos that's what I do) and the models, tell the story and explain a few rules along the way. This is NOT a tutorial or a live game. We played the game, made some notes then I shot the footage afterwards. That we we concentrated on having fun and enjoying the game and the building of the narrative. This game is a Burrows & Badgers skirmish, based on the B&B scenario Defend The Haul. Played on the Redwall Abbey scenery I made for Black Dragon Miniatures. Watch the build here We had loads of fun, this was a game part way into a campaign, based in the great mercantile city of Luneden. I intend to do more battle reports for other systems as I move forward, probably in a similar style, so even